Highest process stability during operation
The monitoring of various parameters in the server racks is done by specific sensors by EMKA Electronics. The measured data are centrally captured and analysed. They can trigger alarms, switch on fans or air-conditioning units or effect emergency openings of the cabinet / rack doors when user-defined limits are exceeded. In combination with the software Control Cockpit, the data provide a basis for increasing the energy efficiency of data centres. The sensor program of EMKA Electronics includes all relevant parameters for measuring and monitoring the operating statuses of server racks.

Thermal environment
Climate Sensor
To ensure process stability and energy efficiency the measuring of climatic parameters play a significant role. Within the sensor range of EMKA Electronics specific climate sensors are used for measuring temperature and humidity. Each sensor can be programmed with different thresholds. For capturing and analysing the measured variables the climate sensor is connected to a Sensor Unit. The measured data can be used as a basis for increasing the energy efficiency in data centres.

Smoke detector
Fire and smoke endanger the physical integrity of data in data centres. For the early detection of fire with visible smoke a photoelectric smoke sensor is used within the EMKA Rack Management System. For capturing and analysing the measured variables the smoke sensor is connected to a Sensor Unit. Actions in case of smoke detection are defined by assigning switching components and / or alarm lines.

Voltage sensor
Maintaining the process stability during operation also requires the permanent monitoring of the supply voltage. This is guaranteed by an analogue voltage sensor. For capturing and analysing the measured variables the sensor is connected to a Sensor Unit. Actions when the supply voltage goes below a certain limit are defined by assigning further switching components to sensor thresholds and / or alarm lines.

Vandalism sensor
The requirements for switch cabinets or facilities in server rooms and data centres have significantly changed. What is needed today is: Increased data security and protection against unauthorised access. In this context the protection against vandalism, destruction and theft plays an important role. Specially developed sensors by EMKA Electronics that measure the accelerations in an axis are used to avert and recognise these dangers early in real time. For capturing and analysing the measured variables the sensor is connected to a Sensor Unit.