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EMKA Sommer of Sports – Skydiving

Skydiving of superlatives: D-Cup in precision landing competition

Skydiving_Deutschland-Cup im Zielspringen
D-Cup Skydiving
EMKA Helicopter
EMKA Skydivers

EMKA Sommer of Sports – Skydiving

Skydiving of superlatives: D-Cup in precision landing competition

The weekend July 7 - 9 saw the first of three major sports events sponsored by EMKA:  The Skydiving World Cup in precision landing!
Up to 1,500 skydivers tried to hit the small target mark at the sport center in Remscheid after jumping out of the helicopter at an altitude of about 3,000 ft. A thrilling day for young and old with free entrance nestled in a colourful stage program with live music.

This is the EMKA Summer of Sports 2017!

Skydiving World Cup in Remscheid
Triathlon European Championships in Frankfurt
EMKA Ruhr Cup in Velbert